Euler's numerical method (HL)

One of the few calculus topics that is studied in greater depth in AI HL than AA HL.



In interpretations of derivatives, it was mentioned that a smooth curve can be approximated by a series of jagged lines segments as each line segment becomes small.

This is exactly what we do in Euler’s method.

Given some differential equation

dydx=f(x,y)\frac{\d y}{\d x} = f(x, y)

and some initial point (x0,y0)(x_0, y_0), and a step size hh, then each successive value of xx, and yy is

xn+1=xn+hx_{n+1} = x_n + h
yn+1=yn+hf(xn,yn)y_{n+1} = y_n + hf(x_n, y_n)

Note that each iteration depends on only the previous iteration. f(xn,yn)f(x_n, y_n) is the estimate for the gradient of the line. hh is Δx\Delta x. So the equation for yy is saying

Δyn+1=Δxngradientn\Delta y_{n+1} = \Delta x_n \cdot \text{gradient}_n

On some calculators, you instead use

xn=xn1+hx_{n} = x_{n-1} + h
yn=yn1+hf(xn1,yn1)y_{n} = y_{n-1} + hf(x_{n-1}, y_{n-1})

In both cases, start with x0,y0x_0, y_0, and after kk iterations, return yky_k as a final answer. Questions could also sometimes ask for (xk,yk)(x_k, y_k) instead.


Use sequence mode or recursion mode or spreadsheet on your calculator to implement a solution. As your calculator gets reset before your exams, it is good practice to make the math wrap as opposed to display in one line.

Given that

dydx=y21+x,    y(0)=1\frac{\d y}{\d x} = \frac{y^2}{1+x},\;\; y(0) = 1

Use a step size of h=0.1h= 0.1, estimate yy when x=0.5x = 0.5

On TI-84 Plus, u, v, w are available via 2ND + 7, 2ND + 8, 2ND + 9. Here we presume the lists or sequences are named u, v, w etc. It depends on specific model of your calculator.

  1. Set calculator to sequences mode.
  2. In y=, set nMin to 0.
  3. Define u(nMin) = 0, u(n) = 0.1*n, for a list of xnx_n
  4. Define v(nMin) = 1, v(n) = v(n-1) + 0.1*(v(n-1)^2/(1+u(n-1))), for a list of yny_n
  5. See table of values where n is 5, and u(n) is .5, and find v(n) to be 1.6225 \qed

Typically, writing down a full, correct list of each yny_n is sufficient for full marks.

In the above example, an extra set of parentheses were used after h*, which is a good practice in case f(x,y)f(x, y) is not a fraction, though not necessary in this particular question.