Homogeneous differential equations (HL)

Separable differential equations, part II.


Overloaded definition

Homogeneous here refers to

dydx=f(yx)\frac{\d y}{\d x} = f\left(\frac yx\right)

Outside of IB, “homogeneous” may also refer to differential equations where every term contains either a derivative or yy, and no term only depends on xx or constants. See the Wikipedia article on homogeneous differential equations .


The question does not always remind you to use this method to solve a differential equation, though they do for Euler’s method and Maclaurin series. Then write the ODE with dydx=\displaystyle \frac{\d y}{\d x} = form see if it is repeated integration, separation of variables, or integrating factors. If it is not any of those forms, then it’s probably a homogeneous differential equation.

A y=vxy = vx substitution is very likely to be successful when both xx and yy

  1. have the same highest degree and
  2. exist in similar places in the expression.


For a homogeneous differential equation, we first make the substitution y=vxy = vx then solve using separations.


dydx=d(vx)dx=v+xdvdx\begin{align*}\frac{\d y}{\d x} &= \frac{\d (vx)}{\d x} \\ &= v+x\frac{\d v}{\d x}\end{align*}

Example: (May 2018 HL Paper 3 Calculus #5) Consider the differential equation

xdydxy=xp+1x\frac{\d y}{\d x} - y = x^p + 1

where xR,x0x\in\mathbb R, x\neq0 and pp is a positive integer, p>1p>1. Given y=1y = -1 when x=1x = 1, solve for yy as a function of xx.

x(v+xdvdx)vx=xp+1xv+x2dvdxvx=xp+1dvdx=xp2+1x2\begin{align*}x\left(v+x\frac{\d v}{\d x}\right)-vx &= x^p + 1 \\ xv + x^2\frac{\d v}{\d x} - vx &= x^p + 1\\ \frac{\d v}{\d x} &= x^{p-2} + \frac{1}{x^2}\end{align*}

Here we can use integration to solve. Though usually you end up with a separable differential equation with a non-constant function of yy.

v=1p1xp11x+Cv = \frac{1}{p-1}x^{p-1} - \frac{1}{x} + C

Then substitute back to solve for y=f(x)y = f(x)

y=vx=1p1xp1+Cxy = vx = \frac{1}{p-1}x^{p} - 1 + Cx

Then substitute in (1,1)(1, -1) to solve for CC

1=1p1(1)p1+C(1)1+1=1p1+C1p1=C\begin{align*}-1 &= \frac{1}{p-1}(1)^{p} - 1 + C(1) \\ -1 + 1 &= \frac{1}{p-1} + C \\ -\frac{1}{p-1} &= C \end{align*}

Putting everything together

y=xpp11xp1y = \frac{x^p}{p-1} - 1 - \frac{x}{p - 1} \qed

If you are OCD about your ODE you can also simplify further

y=xpxp11y = \frac{x^p - x}{p-1} - 1