Given some composite function h(x)=(f∘g)(x), if and only ifg(x0) is part of f’s domain, then x0 is part of h’s domain, and (f∘g)(x0) is part of h’s range.
Think of the composite function as a bottleneck; it only allows through values that can pass through both the inner and the outer functions.
Domain and range
It is a lot like conflict resolution: you have to first find common ground.
To find the domain and range of composite function f(g(x)), we first find the overlap between the domain of f(x) and the range of g(x). Then domain of the composite function is the set of values that can use g to get to the overlap, and range is the set of values that can use f to get from the overlap.
Example: Find domain and range of f(x)=−(x+2)2+1+3.
Define inner function −(x+2)2+1, and outer function go(x)=x+3, such that f(x)=(go∘gi)(x).
The domain of go is [0,∞[.
The range of gi is ]−∞,1], from the shape of the downward-opening parabola.
The overlap is [0,1].
The domain of f is the set of values such that
Note that for real x, (x+2)2 is always non-negative, so we only need to solve the quadratic inequality
For range, because x+3 is increasing, we only need to evaluate at the bounds of the interval.
Final answer for domain and range of f:
f∘g is generally not g∘f
Assuming f and g are invertible, then combining previous property with properties of inverse functions we get
and also
The following two examples are two different cases. First one is given f and g∘f to find g; second is given g and g∘f to find f.
Example: Let f(x)=3x−1 and (g∘f)(x)=34x−2. Find g(−2).
Method 1:g=g∘f∘f−1
To find f−1, we solve for y in x=3y−1. This requires knowledge of logarithms. A quick refresher is that 8=23⟺log28=3.