Dot product and cross product (HL)


Angle between vectors

The angle θ\theta between vectors is the angle when their tails coincide.

Dot product

ab=abcosθ\bm a \cdot \bm b = \lvert \bm a\rvert\lvert \bm b\rvert \cos\theta

cosθ\cos\theta is also known as the direction cosine.

(x1,y1,z1)(x2,y2,z2)=x1x2+y1y2+z1z2(x_1, y_1, z_1)\cdot(x_2, y_2, z_2) = x_1x_2 + y_1y_2 + z_1z_2

Note, acosθ\bm a \cos\theta is the scalar projection of a\bm a in the direction of b\bm b. That is, if a right triangle is drawn with hypotenuse a\bm a and the adjacent leg in the direction of b\bm b has length acosθ\bm a \cos\theta.

The Cauchy-Schwartz inequality  is equivalent to

abab\lvert\bm a \cdot \bm b\rvert \leq \lvert\bm a\rvert\lvert\bm b\rvert

Cross product

The cross product a×b\bm a \times \bm b is perpendicular to both a\bm a and b\bm b

a×b=absinθn^\bm a \times \bm b = \lvert \bm a\rvert\lvert \bm b\rvert \sin\theta \,\bm{\hat n}

with n^\bm{\hat n} is some unit vector found by applying right hand rule.

The standard basis consisting of unit vectors i\bm i, j\bm j, k\bm k satisfies

i×j=k\bm i \times \bm j = \bm k
j×k=i\bm j \times \bm k = \bm i
k×i=j\bm k \times \bm i = \bm j

but also

j×i=k\bm j \times \bm i = \bm {-k}
k×j=i\bm k \times \bm j = \bm {-i}
i×k=j\bm i \times \bm k = \bm {-j}

By using these formulas on individual components, the cross product in components form is

a×b=(y1z2y2z1)i+(z1x2z2x1)j+(x1y2x2y1)k\bm a \times \bm b = (y_1z_2 - y_2z_1)\bm i + (z_1x_2 - z_2x_1)\bm j + (x_1y_2 - x_2y_1)\bm k

There are various ways to make sense of the formula. One way to remember is to first write each vectors twice

x1y1z1x1y1z1x2y2z2x2y2z2\begin{matrix} \sout{\color{grey}x_1} & y_1 & z_1 & x_1 & y_1 & \sout{\color{grey}z_1} \\ \sout{\color{grey}x_2} & y_2 & z_2 & x_2 & y_2 & \sout{\color{grey}z_2} \end{matrix}

The components of the cross product, after ignoring first and last columns, are “diagonal down minus diagonal up”.

Alternatively, using the determinant of a 33 by 33 matrix

a×b=ijkx1y1z1x2y2z2\bm a \times \bm b = \begin{vmatrix} \bm i & \bm j & \bm k \\ x_1 & y_1 & z_1 \\ x_2 & y_2 & z_2 \end{vmatrix}

You are not required to interpret or simplify a determinant.


For the following properties, terms other than parallel and perpendicular are not used on exams, but nevertheless be able to apply these properties.

properties dot product cross product
parallel vectors ab=abaa=a2\bm a \cdot \bm b = \lvert\bm a\rvert\lvert\bm b\rvert \\ \bm a \cdot \bm a = \lvert\bm a\rvert^2 a×b=0\bm a \times \bm b = \bm 0
perpendicular vectors ab=0\bm a \cdot \bm b = \bm 0 a×b=abn^\bm a \times \bm b = \lvert\bm a\rvert\lvert\bm b\rvert \bm{\hat n}
commutative ab=ba\bm a \cdot \bm b = \bm b \cdot \bm a N/A
anticommutative N/A a×b=b×a\bm a \times \bm b = -\bm b \times \bm a
distributive k(ab)=(ka)b=a(kb)a(b+c)=ab+ack(\bm a \cdot \bm b) = (k\bm a) \cdot \bm b = \bm a \cdot (k\bm b) \\ \bm a \cdot (\bm b + \bm c) = \bm a \cdot \bm b + \bm a \cdot \bm c k(a×b)=(ka)×b=a×(kb)a×(b+c)=a×b+a×ck(\bm a \times \bm b) = (k\bm a) \times \bm b = \bm a \times (k\bm b) \\ \bm a\times(\bm b + \bm c) = \bm a \times \bm b + \bm a \times \bm c

Example: Given a=3\lvert\bm a\rvert = 3 and b=4\lvert\bm b\rvert = 4 and that a+2b\bm a + 2\bm b is perpendicular to 3ab3\bm a - \bm b, find the angle between a\bm a and b\bm b

(a+2b)(3ab)=03a2+5(ab)2b2=03(3)2+5abcosθ2(4)2=027+5(3)(4)cosθ32=060cosθ=5 θ=cos1112\begin{align*} (\bm a + 2\bm b) \cdot (3\bm a - \bm b) &= 0 \\ 3\lvert\bm a\rvert^2 + 5(\bm a \cdot \bm b) - 2\lvert\bm b\rvert^2 &= 0 \\ 3(3)^2 + 5\lvert\bm a\rvert\lvert\bm b\rvert \cos\theta - 2(4)^2 &= 0 \\ 27 + 5(3)(4) \cos\theta - 32 &= 0 \\ 60 \cos \theta &= 5\ \\ \theta &= \cos^{-1} \frac{1}{12} \qed \end{align*}

πcos1112\pi - \cos^{-1} \frac{1}{12} is accepted as well. The π\pi - angle is typically accepted for lines, and here when directions are unknown, but not for segments.