Exponents and logarithms



Each row shows the same property in exponential and logarithmic forms.

Let X=bxX = b^x, Y=byY = b^y. For b>0,b1b > 0,\, b \neq 1:

bx=Xb^x = Xx=logbXx = \log_bX
b0=1b^0 = 1logb(1)=0\log_b(1) = 0
logeX=lnX\log_{\e} X = \ln X
blogbx=x\displaystyle b^{\log_bx} = xlogb(bx)=x\log_b(b^x) = x
bxby=bx+yb^x b^y=b^{x+y}logbX+logbY=logb(XY)\displaystyle \log_b{X} + \log_bY=\log_b(XY)
b1n=bn\displaystyle b^{\frac1n} = \sqrt[n]{b}
bx=1bx\displaystyle b^{-x} = \frac{1}{b^x}logb(1X)=logb(X)\displaystyle \log_b\left(\frac{1}X\right) = -\log_b(X)
(bx)y=bxy=Z(b^x)^y = b^{xy} = ZlogbXy=ylogbXlogXZ=logbZlogbXlogbxZ=1xlogbZ\displaystyle \log_b{X^y} = y\log_bX \\ \log_X Z = \frac{\log_bZ}{\log_bX} \\ \log_{b^x}Z =\frac1{x}\log_b{Z}

These properties does not assume any relationships between the variables, rather they are used this way to help highlight the connections between the exponential and the equivalent logarithmic forms. It may help with understanding if you prove the logarithmic properties using the exponential properties, or vice versa.

Proof: From the formulas available in the formula booklet, show that

logbxZ=1xlogbZ,b>0,b1\log_{b^x} Z= \frac1x \log_b Z, \,b > 0,\, b \neq 1

From change of base formula

logbxZ=logbZlogbbx=logbZx\log_{b^x} Z = \frac{\log_b Z}{\log_b b^x} = \frac{\log_b Z}{x}\qed

Note: In different curricula, log\log has different meanings. IB rarely has logx\log x, without a base. Beyond high school, logx\log x typically uses base e\e, though in certain cases it could be base 1010 or base 22.

Limitations about these formulas

The base bb in both exponential and logarithmic functions are positive. Rational exponents of negative bases are touched upon in complex numbers.

The formula logbX+logbY=logb(XY)\log_b{X} + \log_bY=\log_b(XY) only applies for positive X,YX, Y. For instance under the real number system, ln(1)\ln (-1) is not defined so we cannot write ln(x)\ln (-x) as lnx+ln(1)\ln x + \ln(-1). However, under analytic continuation (very much beyond the scope of IB mathematics), logarithms of negative numbers (and other complex numbers) are defined in a way such that this property holds.


  1. Goal is either logbx=k\log_b x = k and use x=bkx = b^k, or bx=mb^x = m and use x=logbmx = \log_b m, where kk and mm are expressions that do not involve xx.
  2. For exponential equations, take natural log (ln\ln) of both sides; for logarithmic equations, convert to same base then raise the base to both sides.
  3. Let y=logxy = \log x or let y=bxy = b^x. This works when the resultant equation in yy is linear or quadratic or another equation you could solve.

Example: Solve log4(x2)+4=2(log4x)2\log_4(x^2) + 4 = 2\left(\log_4 x\right)^2

log4(x2)+4=2(log4x)22log4x+4=2(log4x)20=2(log4x)22log4x40=(log4x)2log4x20=(log4x2)(log4x+1)log4x=2,1x=42,41x=16,14\begin{align*} \log_4(x^2) + 4 &= 2\left(\log_4 x\right)^2\\ 2\log_4 x + 4 &= 2\left(\log_4 x\right)^2 \\ 0 &= 2\left(\log_4 x\right)^2 - 2\log_4 x - 4 \\ 0 &= \left(\log_4 x\right)^2 - \log_4 x - 2 \\ 0 &= \left(\log_4 x - 2\right)\left(\log_4 x + 1\right) \\ \log_4 x &= 2, -1 \\ x &= 4^2, 4^{-1} \\ x &= 16, \frac{1}{4} \qed \end{align*}

Order of operations

abc=a(bc)(ab)ca^{b^c} = a^{\left(b^c\right)} \neq \left(a^b\right)^c

Exponents are evaluated top to bottom.


The nnth roots of a number are not unique. While both 33 and 3-3 are both square roots of 99, 9=3\sqrt{9} = 3 but 93\sqrt{9} \neq -3. xn\sqrt[n]{x} typically refer to what’s known as the “principal root”, though in some cases it could refer to the negative real root, if there is no positive real root. For more information see fractional exponents of complex numbers (HL) and fundamendal theorem of algebra (HL).