Graphs of trig functions

See also transformations of functions.


Trig functions to graph

Using unit circle, sin\sin, cos\cos and tan\tan can be extended to all real numbers (with some asymptotes for tan\tan) in a way that they are periodic, and that sin\sin and tan\tan are odd while cos\cos is even.

y=sinxy = \sin x passes through (0,0),(π2,1),(π,0),(3π2,1),(2π,0)(0, 0),\, (\frac{\pi}{2}, 1),\, (\pi, 0),\, (\frac{3\pi}{2}, -1),\, (2\pi, 0).

y=cosxy = \cos x passes through (0,1),(π2,0),(π,1),(3π2,0),(2π,1)(0, 1),\, (\frac{\pi}{2}, 0),\, (\pi, -1),\, (\frac{3\pi}{2}, 0),\, (2\pi, 1).

Both sinx\sin x and cosx\cos x have a period of 2π2\pi, and the pattern repeats for other values of xx. These are the five points you should consider when graphing or sketching their transformations.

y=tanxy = \tan x are not usually used for transformations, but just remember the graph looks like lots of //, with vertical asymptotes at every odd multiples of π2\frac\pi2.

Example: Given

f(x)=3cos(2(x+π3))+1f(x) = -3\cos\left(2\left(x + \frac{\pi}{3}\right)\right) + 1

Find the coordinates of a maximum and a minimum.

Compare to base function xcosxx \mapsto \cos x, the transformations are

  1. horizontal stretch by 12\frac12
  2. vertical reflection across xx-axis and vertical stretch by a factor of 33.
  3. horizontal translation by π3\frac{\pi}{3} to the left.
  4. vertical translation by 11 up.

The base function has a maximum at (0,1)(0, 1) and minimum at (π,1)(\pi, -1).

Upon a reflection, a maximum become a minimum, vice versa.

The corresponding minimum is

(120π3,3(1)+1)=(π3,2){\left(\frac{1}{2}\cdot 0 - \frac{\pi}{3}, -3(1) + 1\right) = \left( - \frac{\pi}{3}, -2\right)} \qed

The corresponding maximum is

(12ππ3,3(1)+1)=(π6,4){\left(\frac{1}{2}\cdot \pi - \frac{\pi}{3}, -3(-1) + 1\right) = \left( \frac{\pi}{6}, 4\right)} \qed

From graph or description to function

For sinusoidal functions in the forms

f(x)=Asin(ω(xh))+kf(x) = A\sin(\omega(x - h)) + k
g(x)=Acos(ω(xh))+kg(x) = A\cos(\omega(x - h)) + k
symbol formula notes
AA maxmin2\displaystyle \frac{\text{max} - \text{min}}{2} amplitude: distance between average and each max or min
kk max+min2\displaystyle\frac{\text{max} + \text{min}}{2} vertical shift: average: y=ky = k is the line about which the function is oscillating.
hh horizontal shift: depends on a given point in the question
ω\omega 1horiz. stretch factor\displaystyle \frac{1}{\text{horiz. stretch factor}} angular frequency: the number of cycles in 2π2\pi
TT 2πω\displaystyle \frac{2\pi}{\omega} period: the difference in xx between consecutive complete cycles.

In modelling, time tt is often used instead of xx.

HL: Inverse trig functions

See also domain and range of inverse functions and domain restrictions

HL students should also know the graphs of arcsin,arccos,arctan\arcsin, \arccos, \arctan, commonly known as sin1,cos1,tan1\sin^{-1}, \cos^{-1}, \tan^{-1}.

Note that all 3 are invertible functions, while sin\sin, cos\cos, and tan\tan are not.