Sigma notation, sequences, series, finance


Sigma notation

Summation usually specify lower and upper limits, using indices such as ii and jj.

i=25i=2+3+4+5=14\sum_{i = 2}^5{i}=2+3+4+5=14
j=33j=33+34+\sum_{j = 3}^\infty 3^{-j}=3^{-3} + 3^{-4} + \dots

Summation may also use a variable to denote all possible values.

kuk=sum over all possible values of k\sum_{k} u_k = \text{sum over all possible values of } k

There are implicit brackets around the first term after the \sum

m3m2+5m1+4=(m3m2+5m1)+4\sum_{m} \frac{3m^2 + 5}{m -1} + 4 = \left(\sum_{m} \frac{3m^2 + 5}{m -1}\right) + 4


Summation is just addition, so all properties of addition apply for summation.

unu_n and vnv_n are arbitrary expressions of nn. kk and NN are constants that do not depend on nn.

n=05un=n=03un+n=45unn=3N(un±vn)=n=3Nun±n=3Nvnn=2kun=kn=2un\begin{align*} &\sum_{n = 0}^5 u_n = \sum_{n = 0}^3 u_n + \sum_{n = 4}^5 u_n \\ &\sum_{n = 3}^N (u_n \pm v_n) = \sum_{n = 3}^N u_n \pm \sum_{n = 3}^N v_n \\ &\sum_{n = 2}^\infty ku_n = k\sum_{n = 2}^\infty u_n \end {align*}

Example: Expand

1ki=1k(xiμ)2 \frac1k\sum_{i = 1}^k (x_i - \mu)^2


μ=1ki=1kxi \mu = \frac1k\sum_{i = 1}^k x_i

sum=1ki=1k(xiμ)2=1ki=1k(xi22xiμ+μ2)=1ki=1kxi22μki=1kxi+μ2ki=1k1=1ki=1kxi22μk(μk)+μ2kk=1ki=1kxi22μ2+μ2=1ki=1kxi2μ2\begin{align*} \text{sum} &= \frac1k\sum_{i = 1}^k (x_i - \mu)^2 \\ &= \frac1k\sum_{i = 1}^k \left({x_i^2 -2x_i\mu + \mu^2}\right) \\ &= \frac1k\sum_{i = 1}^k x_i^2 -\frac{2\mu}{k}\sum_{i = 1}^k x_i + \frac{\mu^2}{k}\sum_{i = 1}^k 1 \\ &= \frac1k\sum_{i = 1}^k x_i^2 -\frac{2\mu}{k}(\mu k) + \frac{\mu^2}{k}k \\ &= \frac1k\sum_{i = 1}^k x_i^2 -2\mu^2 + \mu^2 \\ &= \frac1k\sum_{i = 1}^k x_i^2 -\mu^2 \qed \end {align*}

The only new property is a change of variable. For example, making a substitution of m=n1m = n - 1. Note both limits change, and n1n - 1 is replaced by mm, and that 77 is still 77.

n=197n1=m=087m\sum_{n=1}^97^{n-1} = \sum_{m=0}^87^m

Arithmetic and geometric sequences and series


term - an expression involving some index (order), typically nn. u1u_1 means first term; unu_n means nnth term

sequence - a list of terms in order

series - the summation of some terms

infinite series - the summation of an infinite number of terms

arithmetic successive terms differ by a constant difference or common difference, eg 3,5,7,93, 5, 7, 9

geometric successive terms differ by a constant(common) factor(ratio), eg 2,6,18,542, -6, 18, -54 \dots

converging series - an infinite series with some finite, deterministic value

diverging series - an infinite series that goes to positive or negative infinity, or it oscillates with constant amplitude.


arithmetic geometric
explicit definition un=u1+d(n1){u_n = u_1+d(n-1)} un=u1rn1u_n = u_1r^{n-1}
recursive definition un=un1+d{u_n = u_{n-1}+d} un=un1ru_n = u_{n-1}r
finite series Sn=n2(u1+un)Sn=n2(2u1+(n1)d)\displaystyle {S_n = \frac{n}2(u_1 + u_n)} \\ {S_n = \frac{n}2(2u_1 + (n-1)d)} Sn=u1un+11rSn=u1(1rn)1r\displaystyle {S_n = \frac{u_1 - u_{n+1}}{1-r}} \\ {S_n = \frac{u_1(1 - r^n)}{1 - r}}
infinite series S=u11r,    r<1\displaystyle S_\infty = \frac{u_1}{1 - r},\;\; \lvert r\rvert < 1


Sometimes, a common difference for arithmetic sequences and series need to be estimated. One way to do so is

dest.=unu1n1d_\text{est.} = \frac{u_n - u_1}{n - 1}

which is a rearrangement of the explicit definition of an arithmetic sequence.


  1. From 00 to 99, there are 90+1=109 - 0 + 1 = 10 numbers.

    Example: Find the sum of all multiples of 77 from 2020 to 200200.

    21=7×3196=7×28\begin{align*} 21 &= 7 \times 3 \\ 196 &= 7 \times 28 \\ \end{align*}

    There are n=283+1=26n = 28 - 3 + 1 = 26 terms

    It’s an arithmetic series, because each term is 77 more than the previous, and we need the sum.

    S26=262(21+196)=2821S_{26} = \frac{26}{2}(21 + 196) = 2821 \qed
  2. Each term can be expressed with any other term, not only u1u_1.

    Example: Three consecutive terms in a geometric sequence multiply to 64. Find the middle term.

    Let the middle term be xx and common ratio be rr. The three terms are xr,x,xr\frac xr, x, xr.

    Their product is 64=(xr)(x)(xr)=x364 = \left(\frac xr \right)(x)(xr) = x^3. So x=4.x = 4.\qed

    Example: In a sequence of real numbers, the sixth term is 16 less than the fourth term. The seventh term is half of the third term. Find the tenth term if

    (a) it is an arithmetic sequence.

    (b) it is a geometric sequence.


    Let the third term be xx, common difference be dd.

    “sixth term is 16 less than the fourth term”

    (x+d)+2d=(x+d)16d=8\begin{align*} (x+d) + 2d &= (x+d) - 16 \\ d &= -8 \end{align*}

    “seventh term is half of the third term”

    x+4d=x2x2=4dx=8d=64\begin{align*} x + 4d &= \frac x2 \\ \frac x2 &= -4d \\ x &= -8d \\ &= 64 \\ \end{align*}
    u10=x+7d=647(8)=8u_{10} = x + 7d = 64 - 7(8) = 8 \qed

    Note, the number of common ratio or difference between mmth and nnth terms is just nmn - m, without the +1+1, because it’s just differences.


    Let the fourth term be xx, common ratio be rr.

    “seventh term is half of the third term”

    xr3=x2rr4=12r2=22\begin{align*}xr^3 &= \frac {x}{2r} \\ r^4 &= \frac 12 \\ r^2 &= \frac{\sqrt 2}{2} \\ \end{align*}

    “sixth term is 16 less than the fourth term”

    (x)r2=(x)16x(r21)=16x=16(2)22x=32(22)2x=162+32\begin{align*}(x) r^2 &= (x) - 16 \\ x (r^2 - 1) &= -16 \\ x &= \frac{-16 (2)}{\sqrt{2} - 2} \\ x &= \frac{-32 (- \sqrt 2 - 2)} 2 \\ x &= 16\sqrt 2 + 32 \end{align*}
    u10=xr6=(162+32)24u10=8+82\begin{align*} u_{10} = xr^6 &= (16\sqrt 2 + 32)\frac{\sqrt 2} 4\\ u_{10} &= 8 + 8\sqrt2 \qed \end{align*}

compound interest

FV=PV(1+r100k)knFV = PV \left(1+\frac{r}{100k}\right)^{kn}

FVFV: future value, valuation after nn years after interest accumulates

PVPV: present value, valuation before interest accumulates

rr: The annual (nominal) interest rate is r%r\%

kk: compounding periods per year

kk compounding period
11 annually (yearly)
22 every 66 months (half-yearly)
44 every 33 months (quarterly)
1212 every month (monthly)

Example: To save $20,000 over 44 years with 5%5\% annual interest compounded monthly, what should be the lump sum amount to be invested today?

FV=20000n=4r=5k=12PV=FV(1+r100k)knPV=20000(1+5100(12))12(4)PV=$16381.42\begin{align*} FV &= 20000 \\ n &= 4\\ r &= 5\\ k &= 12\\ PV &= \frac{FV}{\left(1+\frac{r}{100k}\right)^{kn}} \\ PV &= \frac{20000}{\left(1+\frac{5}{100(12)}\right)^{12(4)}} \\ PV &= \$16381.42 \qed \end{align*}

Financial question often says how many significant figures to keep. If it does not say, keep two decimal places.

Appreciation means it becomes more valuable. Depreciation means it loses value. For depreciation, r<0r < 0.

See usages on TI-84 Plus. Beware of the differences between payment period and compounding period, and the tendency to introduce negative numbers.

real value with inflation

Inflation is when money loses value (which may or may not be exacerbated in recent times by excessive money-printing).

The real interest rate, which reflects the increase in real value of money, is defined as

real interest rate=(100%+nominal interest rate100%+inflation rate1)100%\text{real interest rate} = \left(\frac{100\% + \text{nominal interest rate}}{100\% + \text{inflation rate}} - 1\right) \cdot 100\%

In contrast, the nominal interest rate is the listed interest rate on paper, without considering inflation.

Tip: IB also accepts

real interest rate=nominal interest rateinflation rate{\text{real interest rate} = \text{nominal interest rate} - \text{inflation rate}}

Example: Under 3%3\% annual inflation, a fund yields an 8%8\% annual interest rate compounded yearly. A person invests $10,000\$10,000 on Jan 1, 2024 into this fund. To the nearest dollar, find the value of this investment on Jan 1, 2030

i. in year 2030 dollar amounts;

ii. in year 2024 dollar amounts.

i. This is compounded interest with PVPV = 1000010000, r=0.08r = 0.08, k=1k = 1 and n=6n = 6. Unless specified otherwise, all interest rates are nominal.

FV=10000(1+0.081)1(6)15869(2030 dollar)\begin{align*} FV &= 10000\left(1+\frac{0.08}{1}\right)^{1(6)} \\ &\approx 15869 \quad (2030 \text{ dollar})\qed\end{align*}

ii. The real interest rate is

(1.081.031)100%4.85437%\left(\frac{1.08}{1.03} - 1\right)\cdot 100\% \approx 4.85437\%
FV=10000(1+0.04854371)1(6)13290(2024 dollar)\begin{align*} FV &= 10000\left(1+\frac{0.0485437\dots}{1}\right)^{1(6)} \\ &\approx 13290 \quad (2024 \text{ dollar})\qed\end{align*}

This is numerically equal to

10000(1.081.03)6=15869(1.03)610000\left(\frac{1.08}{1.03}\right)^6 = \frac{15869}{(1.03)^6}

The real interest rate is an estimate of the true annual interest rate. It can then be used as a regular annual interest rate in the compound interest formula.