Vector definitions (HL)

Displacement vectors can be translated in the plane or space, while maintaining their magnitudes and directions. Meanwhile position vectors represent the vector from origin to a specific point in space.

Geometrically, they are represented by arrows.


A vector or vector quantity, v\bm{v} or v\vec{v}, is associated with a magnitude (size) and a direction. Magnitudes are non-negative, and are represented by v\lvert\bm v\rvert, v\lvert\vec v\rvert, or simply vv

In contrast, a scalar or scalar quantity, vv, is only associated with a magnitude. Though, a scalar could be negative.

Scalar multiplication, multiplying a vector (or scalar) by a scalar. This multiplies the vector’s magnitude by the scalar. If the scalar is positive, the resulting direction is same as before; if it is negative, the vector reverses direction.

The zero vector, 0\bm{0}, or 0\vec{0}, is the vector with zero magnitude and in any arbitrary direction.

The unit vector, v^\bm{\hat{v}}, is the vector in the direction of v\bm{v} and with magnitude 11.

v^=vv\bm{\hat{v}} = \frac{\bm v}{\lvert\bm v\rvert}

i\bm i, j\bm j, k\bm k are the unit vectors for the xx, yy, and zz-axes. The axes are perpendicular to each other and intersect at the origin (0,0,0)(0, 0, 0)

A position vector is a vector from the origin to a specific point in space. Eg point A(1,2,3)A(1, -2, 3) is associated with the vector OA=(1,2,3)\overrightarrow{OA} = (1, -2, 3). Position vectors are fixed in space. For the rest of the vectors discussion, position vectors are synonymous with “points”.

A displacement vector is a difference between two position vectors, or between two displacement vectors. For instance, AB=(2,1,0)\overrightarrow{AB} = (2, -1, 0) is the displacement from OA=(3,2,4)\overrightarrow{OA} = (-3, 2, 4) to OB=(1,1,4)\overrightarrow{OB} = (-1, 1, 4).

AB=OBOA\overrightarrow{AB} = \overrightarrow{OB} - \overrightarrow{OA}
Displacement vector AB is OB - OA.
final minus initial: AB is OB minus OA

Displacement vectors are more powerful and useful because they can be moved around. Common types of displacement vectors include

  • a displacement vector representing a line segment
  • a direction vector of a line
  • a direction vector on a plane
  • a normal vector to a plane

In certain cases, such as when the displacement vector is used as a direction vector of a line or a normal vector of a plane, only the direction is of interest.

A vector goes from its tail to its head. For example, the tail of OP\overrightarrow{OP} is OO, while the head is PP. Position vectors have fixed tails and heads, while displacement vectors have tails and heads that can be translated together.

A vector is said to be the vector sum of its xx, yy, and zz components. This is true for both position and displacement vectors. Namely

(3,4,5)=3i4j+5k(3, -4, 5) = 3\bm i - 4\bm j + 5\bm k

The components are linearly independent, or that they are perpendicular to each other.