Venn diagrams

Venn diagrams allow visualization of union, intersection, and complement probabilities. They can also be used calculate simple conditional probabilities.

On Venn diagrams, probabilities are the relative sizes of different regions. However they are just for illustrative purposes and are not to scale.


Probability review

For a countable number of events, probability is

probability=good outcomestotal outcomes\text{probability} = \frac{\text{good outcomes}}{\text{total outcomes}}

This is highly based on the assumption of all items are equally likely. Nevertheless it is useful to think of probability as a fraction.

A closely related formula says

expected count=number of trials×probability\text{expected count} = \text{number of trials}\times\text{probability}

An event is an outcome of the measurement or trial. The probability of event AA happening is P(A)\text{P}(A). Events are typically labelled using capital letters such as AA and BB


A venn diagram consists of

  • a rectangle labelled UU for the sample space (universe) of a single measurement or trial, such that P(U)=1\text{P}(U) = 1
  • one or more circles representing events.

Event AA has a P(A)\text{P}(A) chance of occurring, and 1P(A)1 - \text{P}(A) chance of not occurring. The latter is called the complement probability and is denoted as

P(A)=P(AC)=P(Aˉ)=1P(A)\text{P}(A^\prime) = \text{P}(A^C) = \text{P}(\bar A) = 1 - \text{P}(A)
Outside circle A is A complement
Event A and its complement

In addition, any region on the venn diagram can be considered an event; it does not have to be circular.

Intersection and union

In intersection, both AA and BB occur, and it is represented by the overlap of the two circles, and denoted by ABA \cap B and is equivalent to BAB \cap A. The intersection characterizes part of the relationship between AA and BB. In absence of additional information, we cannot deduce what P(AB)\text{P}(A \cap B) is, other than it’s no greater than the minimum of AA and BB.

Intersection is the overlap in both events

One very useful equation relating intersection and complements is

P(A)=P(AB)+P(AB)\text{P}(A) = \text{P}(A \cap B) + \text{P}(A \cap B^\prime)

which states that when AA occurs, BB either occurs or does not occur.

In union, at least one of AA and BB occur, and it is represented by the two circles including their overlap, and denoted by ABA \cup B and is equivalent to BAB \cup A.

Anything in A or B or in the overlap is the union

Inclusion-exclusion principle

For two events, we have

P(AB)=P(A)+P(B)P(AB)\text{P}(A \cup B) = \text{P}(A) + \text{P}(B) - \text{P}(A \cap B)

In general

union of n events=+individual eventsintersections of 2 events+intersections of 3 events\begin{align*} \text{union of }n\text{ events} = &+\text{individual events} \\ &-\text{intersections of } 2 \text{ events} \\ &+ \text{intersections of } 3 \text{ events} \\ &- \dots \end{align*}

where the signs alternate with increasing number of events in the intersection, and all coefficients are 11.

On exams, only inclusion-exclusion of two events will be required, though in certain situations when you fail see the faster method, you may opt to use inclusion-exclusion if it applies.

Special cases of intersection


Two events are independent if and only if

independence:     P(AB)=P(A)P(B)\text{independence: }\;\; \text{P}(A \cap B) = \text{P}(A) \cdot \text{P}(B)

Another way to view them is that they are unrelated and uncorrelated. The probability is unchanged whether or not the other event happens. For example, day of the week is independent with weather of the day.

mutual exclusivity

Two events are mutually exclusive if and only if

mutual exclusivity:     P(AB)=0\text{mutual exclusivity: }\;\; \text{P}(A \cap B) = 0

In other words, both events cannot occur at the same time. They are often cases or different scenarios. For example, watching sports is mutually exclusive with sleeping.

Conditional probability

On venn diagrams, conditional probabilities are viewed as ratios of areas or ratios of probabilities. In a way, it is about narrowing the sample space as information becomes available.

For events that are not independent, event AA impacts the chances of BB occurring, and vice versa.

The conditional probability P(BA)\text{P}(B \,\vert\, A) of BB given AA is calculated by

P(BA)=P(AB)P(A)\text{P}(B\,\vert\, A) = \frac{\text{P}(A \cap B)}{\text{P}(A)}

and should be seen as the fraction of AB{\color{purple} A \cap B} relative to the circle of A\color{blue} A.

Ratio of intersection to single event
Conditional probability as a ratio

From this and

P(A)=P(AB)+P(AB)\text{P}(A) = \text{P}(A \cap B) + \text{P}(A \cap B^\prime)

we obtain

P(A)=P(AB)P(B)+P(AB)P(B)\text{P}(A) = \text{P}(A \,\vert\, B)\cdot\text{P}(B) + \text{P}(A \,\vert\, B^\prime)\cdot\text{P}(B^\prime)


P(BA)=P(AB)P(AB)+P(AB)\text{P}(B\,\vert\, A) = \frac{\text{P}(A \cap B)}{\text{P}(A \cap B) + \text{P}(A \cap B^\prime)}

Combining both forms lead to Bayes’ theorem, as explored in Tree diagrams.

special cases

Independent events AA, BB satisfy

P(BA)=P(B)\text{P}(B\,\vert\, A) = \text{P}(B)
P(AB)=P(A)\text{P}(A\,\vert\, B) = \text{P}(A)

Mutual exclusive events AA, BB satisfy

P(BA)=P(AB)=0\text{P}(B\,\vert\, A) = \text{P}(A\,\vert\, B) = 0